Wind Power China
The annual networking and trade platform for China's wind industry since 2003.
In recent years, China has identified wind energy as an important alternative power source to rebalance its energy mix. Supportive regulations and policies have been introduced to support this development. According to the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), China's wind power new capacity in 2012 occupy 35% in the world. Meanwhile, China has become the world’s most important wind generation equipment manufacturing nation and is making a great contribution to the development of clean energy worldwide.
Government-controled organizations and manufacturers hold a major role in this development, with state-run power producers and China Electricity Council members such as Guodian, Datang, Huaneng and Huadian responsible for about 90% of the investment in newly installed wind capacities.
Wind Power China (WPC - formerly Wind Power Asia), jointly organized by the China Electricity Council and Koelnmesse, is an essential event for China’s vibrant wind power market. Every year since 2003, the event brings together leading players from technology, services, finance and government, and provides a much needed platform addressing key issues, future developments, and enabling business.